AVAZ FINDS OUT23.9.2021HJPC on the exam: The disciplinary commission discusses the fate of Ranko Debevec
NEW INFORMATION20.9.2021Halil Lagumdžija for "Avaz": HJPC will listen to the recording of Tadić and Mehmedagić and will take our stand very soon
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES16.9.2021The sessions of the Second Instance Commission of the HJPC is underway: It is being decided on the Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić
AVAZ FINDS OUT9.9.2021These are the members of the Second Instance Commission of the HJPC who decide on the procedure against Ranko Debevec
DISCIPLINARY HEARING3.9.2021Why the HJPC is silent: Who are the members of the Second Instance Commission in the "Ranko Debevec" case
DISCIPLINARY HEARING26.8.2021The Second Instance Commission was formed in the "Debevec" case, but who are its members
PRESIDENT OF B&H COURT13.7.2021Disciplinary proceedings against Ranko Debevec have ended: He has been hiding real estate in Spain for 14 years
HJPC B&H1.7.2021Disciplinary proceedings of Ranko Debevec will start tomorrow, it is still in question whether all the details of the accusation will be revealed
AFFAIRS19.3.2021Who is protected by the disciplinary prosecutor: The investigation against Debevac has been going on for a year
ONLINE MEETING12.3.2021Neslon supports the new leadership of the HJPC: Enable the efficient functioning of the judiciary in B&H
AVAZ FINDS OUTHJPC on the exam: The disciplinary commission discusses the fate of Ranko Debevec23.9.2021
NEW INFORMATIONHalil Lagumdžija for "Avaz": HJPC will listen to the recording of Tadić and Mehmedagić and will take our stand very soon20.9.2021
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURESThe sessions of the Second Instance Commission of the HJPC is underway: It is being decided on the Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić16.9.2021
AVAZ FINDS OUTThese are the members of the Second Instance Commission of the HJPC who decide on the procedure against Ranko Debevec9.9.2021
DISCIPLINARY HEARINGWhy the HJPC is silent: Who are the members of the Second Instance Commission in the "Ranko Debevec" case3.9.2021
DISCIPLINARY HEARINGThe Second Instance Commission was formed in the "Debevec" case, but who are its members26.8.2021
PRESIDENT OF B&H COURTDisciplinary proceedings against Ranko Debevec have ended: He has been hiding real estate in Spain for 14 years13.7.2021
HJPC B&HDisciplinary proceedings of Ranko Debevec will start tomorrow, it is still in question whether all the details of the accusation will be revealed1.7.2021
AFFAIRSWho is protected by the disciplinary prosecutor: The investigation against Debevac has been going on for a year19.3.2021
ONLINE MEETINGNeslon supports the new leadership of the HJPC: Enable the efficient functioning of the judiciary in B&H12.3.2021