Proposed detention for suspect Ajla Čeljo, who was arrested with marked banknotes

Detention was proposed due to the risk that the suspect could influence witnesses, hide evidence and because of the risk of repeating the criminal offense

Ajla Čeljo: Arrested in the action "Madam". Avaz

A. O.

The acting prosecutor of the SC Prosecutor's Office suggested to the Municipal Court in Sarajevo that suspect Ajla Čeljo should be detained for one month.

Detention was proposed due to the danger that the suspect could influence witnesses, hide evidence and because of the danger of repeating the criminal act.

Let us remind you that the arrested inspector of the Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs, Ajla Čeljo, who is charged by the SC Prosecutor's Office with the criminal offense of receiving a gift and other forms of benefits, abused her position, that is, the job of an inspector, in several ways.

As a reminder, on January 10th, police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) arrested one person in the area of Sarajevo as part of the operational action "Madam" due to the existence of grounds for suspicion that she had committed the criminal offense of "Receiving gifts and other forms of benefits" prescribed by Criminal Code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.