Arijana Memić for "Avaz": We endured so much humiliation, but this is proof that justice is slow, but attainable

They told us that we were not right, they attributed it to the pain we felt, but we never gave up because we had so much evidence that led us to the right path, to prove that Dženan was killed

Memić: After seven years, concrete things started to happen. Avaz

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Finally, after seven years, concrete things started to happen, in the right direction in discovering the perpetrators, but also those who protected them and covered up the murder.

This is what Arijana Memić, the sister of the murdered Dženan Memić, told the "Avaz's" portal after the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued today an official order to initiate an investigation against seven persons, among other things, for the crime of murder.

The result of our struggle and honest prosecutors and judges

According to unofficial information that "Avaz" has, an investigation has been launched against the current judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and former chief prosecutor of the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office Dalida Burzić, former prosecutor of the SC Prosecutor's Office Meris Ćato, police officer of the SC MUP Sakib Kremo, former police commissioner of the SC MUP Vahid Ćosić, but also traffic expert Ševal Kovačević and unknown persons.

Arijana Memić said that justice is slow, but achievable.

- It is unfortunate that so much time has passed, justice is slow, but attainable, and our lawyer has been telling us for years that it must be persistent. We were persistent. This is the result of our struggle and those honest prosecutors and judges and people who helped us all these years, were our support and we are glad that this finally happened. We expect some more developments related to the investigation into the murder - Memić pointed out.

Emotions are always mixed, she added.

Punish the perpetrators and those who covered up the murder

- We endured a lot in these seven years and survived so many insults, humiliation and ridicule. They told us that we were not right, they attributed it to the pain we were feeling. But we never gave up because we had so much evidence that led us to the right path, to prove that Dženan was killed.

After seven years, that turned out to be true and after the Supreme Court ruling, it was waiting for the right people to finally take over this case and start doing it right. We hope that all this will end in the best way, which is to punish the perpetrators and those who covered up the murder, protected the perpetrators, and they will be caught, we have no doubt about that. People's support meant a lot to us from the very beginning, because we certainly wouldn't have been able to achieve this on our own. Thanks to everyone who is with our family and we hope that they will be there until the end of our fight - said Arijana Memić.