Zvizdić at Security Forum in Washington about the security situation in B&H

During the Forum, other topics on different types of current global security challenges were discussed

Denis Zvizdić participated in the 20th annual Parliamentary Security Forum in Washington. B&H PA

H. J. I. / Fena

Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Zvizdić participated in the 20th annual Parliamentary Security Forum in Washington, founded by Robert Pittenger, a former member of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress.

Addressing the panel on best examples and practices of improving parliamentary cooperation, Zvizdić thanked Congressman Pittenger for organizing the Forum and said the world is more of a global community today than ever before and we live connected in various ways, during the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Internet.

- I would like to emphasize that the vast majority of B&H citizens want to live in peace and security and want to see B&H as a member of the EU and NATO in the near future. I hope that the United States, together with European Union partners, will be a leader again. of all positive processes in B&H and our region - said at the end of his address, Chairman Zvizdić.

During the Forum, other topics on different types of current global security challenges were discussed.

The Forum was attended by congresspeople, senators, parliamentarians from around the world and experts and representatives of agencies directly engaged in countering current global security challenges, the statement said.