Feraget after the meeting with Janja Jovanović: "Avaz" acted in accordance with the decision of the Court, there are no grounds for imposing court penalties

We will object especially to the amount of penalties imposed, which are completely disproportionate to the purpose to be achieved in this situation, Feraget told us

Feraget and Jovanović: The meeting ended in positive tone. Avaz

M. Aščić

This morning, the legal team of "Avaz-roto press" held a meeting with the president of the Municipal Court in Sarajevo, Janja Jovanović, on the occasion of the decision of this judicial institution by which 212,000 KM of non-existent court penalties were deducted from the account of "Avaz-roto press" by the decision of judge Mirsada Karahmetović.

This information was confirmed today for the "Avaz" portal by the prominent lawyer Ifet Feraget, who joined the legal team of "Avaz-roto press".

- Colleague Almina Pilav and colleague Edin Šabanović were also present at the meeting with the President of the Sarajevo Municipal Court. We briefly outlined the issue of this case and thanked the President for helping us, bearing in mind the public interest in resolving this case. We said that we would file an objection within the legal deadline and challenge the possibility of imposing court penalties, given that the executor acted in accordance with the decision of the Court. We will object especially to the amount of penalties imposed, which are completely disproportionate to the purpose to be achieved in this situation. Given all of this, we believe that the legal path should be used to resolve this situation - Feraget told us.

He added that the objection would be filed within the legal deadline due to the lack of grounds for imposing court penalties, given that the executor acted in accordance with the court decision.

- Then, due to the violation of the right to property and the violation of the right to have a fair trial - Feraget pointed out.