Mijatović for "Avaz" about Vukanović's arrest: Classic pressure of the regime's legal-criminal octopus

The video he published shows that he did what all of us should do, in all cities, said Mijatović

Mijatović: Vukanović says what does not suit the regime of Milorad Dodik. Archive

L. M.

SDP Vice President Vojin Mijatović told "Avaz" that he condemns the arrest of Nebojša Vukanović and that it was "classic pressure from the regime's legal-criminal octopus in Republic of Srpska".

- In full capacity, as the vice president of the SDP, I condemn the arrest of the Member of the National Assembly of the RS, Nebojša Vukanović. The video he published shows that he did what all of us should do, in all cities. That is to force the legal regime octopus, if nothing else, to start coming to their work place on time - said Mijatović.

The governing structure, as he says, must understand that the citizens in the Republic of Srpska, as well as in the Federation, pay them for not working, and for hiding criminals.

He added that in this way, direct force is applied to the MP who is obviously saying what does not suit the regime of Milorad Dodik.