The leaders of ISA testified in the Prosecutor's Office of B&H because of the pensioner Osmica

The question is whether Ranko Debavec, the president of the Court of B&H and Mehmedagić's close friend, will intervene again

Mlinarević and Mehmedagić. M. Aščić

Miralem Aščić

Vesna Mlinarević and Bruna Jurić, heads of the ISA Intelligence and Security Agency, were questioned this morning in the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, the "Avaz" portal has learned.

They testified on the occasion of the ongoing investigation of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H related to the information that the director of ISA, Osman Mehmedagić, should have been retired four months ago because he had acquired the conditions for retirement.

Mlinarević is the director of the ISA's Support Directorate and she had to be aware of this information.

They testified at 10 and 11 o'clock. Mlinarević stayed in this judicial institution for almost an hour.

Namely, as we announced, Mehmedagić, according to the documentation we had access to, already has 40 years, four months and 13 days of work experience (including benefited work experience), officially registered with the Federal Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance (PIO / MIO).

The Law on Work in B&H Institutions specifies that employment by force of law ends when an employee reaches 40 years of insurance, regardless of age, which means that Bakir's ISA director should have retired four months ago and officially notified the PIO.

Jurić is leaving the building of the Court of B&H. M. Aščić

Therefore, on May 11th, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H officially requested the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute to submit all data.

It is a matter of days when the official investigation will be launched against Trifko Buha, Mehmedagić's deputy who had to retire him, but he did not. Buha is a person who had this information but did not report it to the competent service, thus knowingly violated the law.

The question is whether Ranko Debavec, the president of the Court of B&H and Mehmedagić's close friend, will intervene again. The court headed by Debevec previously rejected two indictments against the ISA director.

Last week, he was acquitted of charges in the express procedure in the "BH Post" affair.

The Court also rejected all requests of the Prosecution to impose prohibitive measures on Mehmedagić during the court proceedings.

In one of the messages, Mehmedagić says to his mutual friend: "You should know that I stand behind Ranko until my death."