Policeman Josip Barić, who did investigation in "Dženan Memić" case, was arrested

The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina will send a proposal to the Court of B&H no later than Monday to extend the custody of the suspects Zijad Mutap and Hasan Dupovac for another two months

SIPA: Search in Ilidža. Avaz

A. Č. - M. Aš.

As part of the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the case of Dženan Memić's death, by order of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and by order of the Court of B&H, police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) B&H are conducting searches in Ilidža municipality.

As part of the activities, one person was arrested.

The investigation in this case has been expanded and the investigation will continue intensively in the following period.

According to information that "Avaz" has, the arrested person is police officer Josip Barić who conducted an investigation in the "Memić" case, and who is suspected of hiding evidence, as we announced this morning. This information was confirmed to us by the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

This morning, we published information that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has ordered the extension of the investigation to several more persons and that the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina will send a proposal to the Court of B&H to extend the custody of the previously arrested and suspected Zijad Mutap and Hasan Dupovac, who are suspected of organized crime, ie covering up and covering up the murder of young man Dženan Memić, for another two months.

At the end of February, their detention was extended for two months, and it expires on April 30. They are in custody in Vojkovići.

Dupovac and Mutap were remanded in custody first on February 1st and then on March 26th due to the danger that they could influence witnesses or conceal evidence while at large, but also due to public harassment.

Zijad Mutap, the father of Alisa Mutap, the ex-girlfriend of the murdered Dženan Memić, with whom she was together in „Great alley“ in Ilidža at the time of the accident, and Dupovac, the former head of the SC MUP Traffic Accident Department, were arrested by SIPA on February 1st by order of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

The Prosecutor's Office of B&H has announced the extension of the investigation to several more persons, and as "Daily avaz" has learned, the acting prosecutor will submit a motion to order custody for these persons as well.