Restriction of movement from 9 PM to 5 AM in entire FB&H as of tomorrow

No more than 20 people are allowed to gather indoors and outdoors, and all these gatherings must take place in a space that allows a mandatory physical distance of at least two meters between persons

The information presented today states that the seven-day incidence at the FB&H level is 301 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and that the highest incidence is recorded in Podrinje, Sarajevo and West Herzegovina cantons. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

At today's emergency, telephone session, the FB&H Government took note of the information on the epidemiological situation in the Federation of B&H until March 22, and the orders and recommendations of the Crisis Staff of the FB&H Ministry of Health, adopted with a validity period of 14 days, starting from March 24, 2021.

Among the orders of the Crisis Staff of the FB&H Ministry of Health is the restriction of the movement of citizens on the entire territory of the FB&H from 9 PM to 5 AM.

The exclusion from these measures stands for all employees involved in the implementation of measures and activities to address the epidemic COVlD-19 in the FB&H, those whose work process takes place in shifts, intercity and international passenger transport, taxi services, as well as truck drivers in domestic and international transport.

No more than 20 people are allowed to gather indoors and outdoors, and all these gatherings must take place in a space that allows a mandatory physical distance of at least two meters between persons (except in case of members of the same household).

The information presented today states that the seven-day incidence at the FB&H level is 301 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, and that the highest incidence is recorded in Podrinje, Sarajevo and West Herzegovina cantons, stated the FB&H Government.