Novalić: FB&H in the new wave of coronavirus epidemic, lockdown the last option

He added that any increase in the number of infected people that the health system cannot service must be stopped by radical closure measures

Prime Minister of the Federation of B&H Fadil Novalić. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

Prime Minister of the Federation of B&H, Fadil Novalić, stated today that the Federation of B&H is hit by an emergency situation due to the sudden increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus.

After the meeting on the current epidemiological situation and procurement of vaccines, Novalić said at the press conference that FB&H is facing a new wave of the epidemic that has affected other countries as well.

-At the meeting, we discussed epidemiological measures and vaccination that will be carried out in the Federation of B&H, after the state level said that it could not meet our needs,” Novalić pointed out.

He added that any increase in the number of infected people that the health system cannot service must be stopped by radical closure measures.

Novalić stated that these measures significantly affect the economy and that they are the last option in the fight against the epidemic.

-We have formed a commission that will propose to the Government of FB&H the procurement of vaccines, and it will directly negotiate with suppliers on behalf of the Government- Novalić explained.

He stressed that the price of vaccines will not be the same as in the COVAX mechanism that failed and that the issue of the price should not be problematic if we want to get vaccines quickly.

-We did everything to make the whole process very transparent- Novalić underlined.

In addition to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers of the FB&H, the meeting was attended by representatives of the FB&H Ministry of Health, the FB&H Public Health Institute and the Health Committee of the House of Representatives of the FB&H Parliament, as well as cantonal prime ministers and health ministers.