Komšić speaks with Schmidt: The priorities from EC Opinion should be OHR agenda

During a telephone conversation Komšić pointed out that the support of Washington, London and Brussels is crucial for the successful functioning of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Željko Komšić. Archive

H. J. I. / Fena

Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Željko Komšić spoke by phone with German politician Christian Schmidt.

During a telephone conversation Komšić pointed out that the support of Washington, London and Brussels is crucial for the successful functioning of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The member of the Presidency of B&H stated that fulfilling the priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission on the candidate status for the membership of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union should be the agenda of the OHR in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Speaking about the changes to the B&H Election Law, B&H Presidency member Željko Komšić expressed his position on the full acceptability of such civic election principles for Bosnia and Herzegovina as valid in German and Croatian election legislation, Komšić's office said.