Regarding the "open letter" of the unknown sender, in which the judges of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina are listed as signatories, a statement from these two judicial institutions followed, first from the Court and then from the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.
The Court of B&H stated that it is again exposed to the pressure of anonymous senders of „extremely malicious and edited texts“, which abound in untrue, insulting and disgusting constructions about the personality and actions of a number of judges and the President of the Court.
Authority of state court
This, as pointed out, leads to the creation of pressure with the aim of undermining the institutional capacity and credibility of the Court of B&H. The judges called on prosecutors to state whether they were signatories to the letter.
Following the announcement of the Court, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H also responded.
- Regarding several media inquiries, in connection with the published reaction of judges of the Court of B&H, the Chief Prosecutor and Prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who themselves were often victims of unfounded anonymous reports and complaints, condemn any kind of inappropriate attack on judicial officials.
However, the anonymous letter, which reached the addresses of numerous media on January 14th, 2021., on more than eight pages, states at the very beginning:
We, the Judges of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, call on you to immediately and unconditionally resign as President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and return the mandate of a Judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for all known reasons with which the rest of the judicial community is partially acquainted, as well as the wider domestic public and international institutions in B&H.
As pointed out, we knew from the first day of your term as a judge and then the President of the Court of B&H that you will not be able or willing to successfully perform complex tasks and duties of a judge, nor the demanding, honorable and responsible duty of the President of the Court of B&H.
-But at that time we did not know or assume that you would so quickly commit so many bad and dishonorable, criminal acts in those positions, which make you not only unworthy of performing that high position of President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also unworthy of performing the honorary duty of a judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, equally your first year of office, as well as this fourth year, in this 2021.- it was pointed out.
The letter points out that the President of the Court was ready to "sell his soul to the devil" for a title, position, money.
-And you sold it, to all those who paid well, to all those whom you served faithfully and until recently loyally and unconditionally fulfilled all orders due to the return of "debts", ie due to your illegal and incorrect election as a judge and president of the Court of B&H - it is stated, among other things, in the letter.
Debevec: For whose interests he works and who he represents. Archive
Debevec: For whose interests he works and who he represents. Archive
All indictments of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H are in your hands
The letter then states that the President of the Court,in all cases where there is a lot of money in question (litigation, execution), or important decisions that have political consequences (management), you intervene or mediate, so you finish cases with mentors and business people, of course for gifts and favors.
It was especially pointed out that, as it is stated, all indictments of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H and all investigations of the Prosecutor's Office are in the hands of the President of the Court, and "all important cases of the Court of B&H are loyal to you through loyal criminal judges, litigants and administrative judges!
- The well-known fact of your "good" relations as the President of the Court of B&H, Judge R.D., with the Director of the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H, O.M., and thus his mentors, especially during the criminal prosecution of the Director of O.M., investigation, indictment and trials. We all know that as the President of the Court of B&H, by abusing your position, you fulfill all wishes and orders, especially the abuse of authority of the director of ISA, O.M., especially when it comes to legalizing or concealing privatized and criminal activities of ISA and its shadow mentors- it was pointed out in the letter.
The letter then reveals shocking details:
- Director of ISA O.M. blackmails You, President of the Court of B&H, Judge R.D.,with compromising recordings of your numerous cases of so-called "horseshoeing", with compromising recordings of contacts with proven associates of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad at the beginning of your term as President of the Court, and with compromising explicit recordings of you with minors, especially teenage girls, which Your tendency has been a well-known fact to us in the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H for many years - the letter says.
Mehmedagić: He appoints judges through Debevec. Archive
Mehmedagić: He appoints judges through Debevec. Archive
As for the current trial in the Court of Director of ISA, it is alleged that the indictment was confirmed with the "permission" of the President of the Court R. D. by the aforementioned E. H. , a judge for the preliminary hearing of the Court, with the "permission" of the President of the Court, which was forced by public pressure and international institutions and embassies.
- However, the outcome of this trial is not left to chance or the professionalism of an honorable criminal judge of the Court who is not under your control, and there are still many of them in the Court, more precisely the majority. The director of the B&H Intelligence and Security Agency, O.M., although a semi-educated man with two fake diplomas, is a person of exceptional cunning and intelligence, above-average intelligence talent and skills, so he is with the "associate" R.D. (we know the meaning and role of "associate", "agent" in the intelligence-security system) planned and implemented a top operational "combination": the CMS system "automatically", ie "independently and accidentally", appointed Judge B.P. for the acting judge in that important case - it is stated.
Non-sympathizer of the SDA party
Anonymous judges and prosecutors state that the director of ISA O.M. rightly concluded that his acquittal, the "Osmica" verdict, would be the least suspicious, and thus an acceptable verdict to be handed down by non – Bosniak Judge and SDA non-sympathizer, a convinced opponent and critic of the President D., a public favorite critic of T. and his lobby in the HJPC B&H, a proven fighter for the rule of law and an independent judiciary, an intellectual and a gentleman, a darling of international institutions in B&H: Honorable Judge B.P.
- Due to such blackmail of the director O.M. and instructions of the president of R.D., the judge will be forced to acquit the accused director O.M expressly, as soon as possible by acquittal, so that judge B.P. is forced to try this case twice a week, which is not recorded in The practice of the Court of B&H, especially not now, when there is an order personally from President R. D. that due to a pandemic, criminal cases are tried and trials are held every other week - the letter states.
The prosecutors in the letter also referred to the "Respirators" affair and accused Prime Minister F. N., the key role of President R. D. and ISA Director O. M. in the case, and their creative "combinatorics."
Facsimile of the part of open letter. Avaz
Facsimile of the part of open letter. Avaz
- The indictment was finally confirmed after the delay, but under pressure from the public, especially international institutions and embassies, so President R. D. was reluctant to instruct the pre-trial judge E. H. to confirm it. As the mentor(s) of the accused Federal Prime Minister F.N. and the director O.M. decided that the accused F.N. was not guilty in the "Respirators" affair, for which a verdict of acquittal is to be issued, the director O.M. was given the task to release the accused F.N., so President R.D. was given the same task - it was pointed out.
Precisely because of this, the president R.D. and the director O.M. were discreetly and "accidentally" in other people's apartments and shops, which was revealed to the public, so they now communicate exclusively through intermediaries or using so-called "crypto" phones, which cannot be controlled or monitored by the current technology, which has made it a favorite means of communication, a tool for criminals, spies and the like, the letter says, among other things.
(Text equipment is editorial)
Judges already appointed in the "Respirators" case
The letter states that, when it comes to the "Respirators" case, the director O.M., on the instructions of the Prime Minister of F.N., chose as a judge I.T. from Tuzla, whom they both know for a long time, who is in favor of the SDA party and I.'s family, so it was decided "at the top" that Judge I. T. to be the presiding judge of the panel, and thus his panel of judges, which also includes Judge B. Ć.
- Therefore, the majority decision of the three-member trial chamber has already been secured, because Judge I. T. agreed to it and his member of the panel, the mentioned judge B. Ć. So soon, after the guilty plea of all the accused in this case is completed, the CMS computer system will soon "select" Judge I. T. and his panel to try this case - the letter says.
Who determines the cases
-You produce judges of the first instance loyal to you into judges of the second instance, or because of that you keep them in the hope that they will "do" the cases, if they do not already do so due to the distribution of gifts and services, or because of that you blackmail them. In similar ways, you have "completed" orders at other offices in the Court, at first and second instance litigation and administrative offices - it was pointed out.
What Osmica brags about at conspiratorial "sittings"
- The director O.M. already brags about at conspiratorial "siels", which he holds with his closest associates and his mentors and protectors, that Judge B.P. has already written an acquittal for him, and that "his" judge has two versions of the verdict, one according to which it has not been proven criminal offense and another that the accused of what he committed is not a criminal offense, which will all depend on the degree of persistence and success of proving of prosecutor O. Č. in this already lost prosecutor's case - it is stated in the letter.
In court
B&H criminal judges, fellow judges of B. P. are already betting that Judge B. P. will acquit the accused O. M. with an elegant and creative basis for the non-existence of a criminal offense.