Izetbegović: We want a unique and prosperous Mostar

We all have to wait for the official results and the completion of the complicated process of calculating the number of councilors in the City Council of Mostar, said Izetbegović

Izetbegović: Congratulations to the citizens. Archive

A. J.

The President of the Party of Democratic Action, Bakir Izetbegović, congratulated all the citizens of Mostar on the successful elections. He especially thanked the voters who supported the candidates of the Coalition for Mostar 2020.

- I am satisfied with the election results, especially with the total number of votes won by the Coalition candidates. All of us have to wait for the official results and the completion of the complicated process of calculating the number of councilors in the Mostar City Council, after which talks on the election of the mayor and the formation of the majority will begin.

Our expectations from the new convocation of the City Council are known and clear: we want a unique, prosperous, and modern and traditional, European Mostar - Izetbegović wrote on Facebook.

Čestitam svim građanima Mostara uspješno održane izbore. Posebno se zahvaljujem glasačima koji su podržali kandidate...

Posted by Bakir Izetbegović on Monday, December 21, 2020