NATO will intensify its engagement in B&H

NATO will intensify its engagement in B&H

NATO Headquarters in Brussels: Help B&H to gain membership. Archive

Piše: H. J. I.

NATO should seek to heighten engagement with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should devote particular attention to countering destabilisation, including especially by hybrid means and disinformation, across the Western Balkans, it is stated in the document about the future of the strongest military-political alliance, reveals "Dnevni Avaz". 

Doors are open

Namely, a group of international experts, led by distinguished diplomats Thomas de Maizire and Wess Mitchell, handed over the strategic document "NATO 2030" to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

It also mentions Bosnia and Herzegovina in several places.It is emphasized that NATO should seek to heighten engagement with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should devote particular attention to countering destabilisation, including especially by hybrid means and disinformation, across the Western Balkans.

One of the recommendations made by the experts is that NATO’s Open Door Policy should be upheld and reinvigorated as a key factor for partners to modernise, integrate, and prepare themselves for eventual future membership.

- NATO should expand its assistance to partners who declared their aspirations to join the Alliance, to help develop the tools and reforms needed to fulfil criteria for membership, working alongside the political, military, civilian, and administrative structures of partners. NATO should remain committed to 2008 Bucharest decisions and elevate the importance of membership negotiations to a higher level.- it is stated in a document presented in Brussels yesterday.

On that occasion, a NATO official told for "Dnevni Avaz" that the Alliance has "a long-standing mutually beneficial partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Military forces

- We are committed to supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina with implementing reforms, as we have for many years, because Allies are committed to a stable and secure Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Western Balkans more broadly. We welcome our continued cooperation on the reform of the BiH security forces and structures. We also welcome the contributions of Bosnia and Herzegovina to our Euro-Atlantic security, including to our mission in Afghanistan - they stated in a comment for our paper.

Apart from EU membership, one of the most important foreign policy goals of our country is joining NATO. The second step in accession is to participate in the Membership Action Plan (MAP), in which B&H is currently located.

The project continues

-The NATO 2030 project continues and the NATO Secretary General will continue to consult with Allies and to reach out to parliamentarians, civil society, the private sector and young leaders. Therafter the NATO Secretary General will prepare his proposals for Allied Leaders. His recommendations will inform the direction NATO Leaders set out when they meet next year- stated our interlocutor from NATO.