Radončić: Nobody convinced me of anything, it's just a question what Bakir's real face is

Unfortunately, I have too many years, experience and remembrance for someone to easily convince me of something that is not true

Fahrudin Radončić and Bakir Izetbegović. Archive

Fahrudin Radončić, the president of SBB, reacted on his Facebook page to the comments of SDA president Bakir Izetbegović. His comments are transferred below. 

In an interview for Faktor (November 29th, 2020), Bakir Izetbegović continues to claim that he and the SDA had nothing to do with the mounted indictment against me in Kosovo.

More precisely, speaking in the context of failed and unnecessary lawsuits, he says: "Then the trial against Radončić, which was conducted for years in Pristina, was supported. It costed us money, the reputation of the country, the reputation of the people and almost the SDA-SBB coalition. And there was nothing from that process. It failed like the previous two. According to Radončić's reactions, it can be concluded that he was convinced that the SDA and I were behind the process, that Aljoša was just a 'sword in my hands', which is a notorious lie "- said Izetbegović.

Transcript of Izetbegović's interview in Faktor, published on November 29th, 2020.. Screenshot

Unfortunately, I have too many years, experience and remembrance for someone to easily convince me of something that is not true.

Indeed, I first learned about the montage and the suspected political indictment from Bakir's interview for "Oslobodjenje" published on April 15th, 2013.

Then he literally stated:

"Part of that abnormal situation is the fact that we have a security minister accused of a contract killing a few days ago by an oath witness, and the most influential electronic media in central news program for money laundering through offshore firms in companies co-owned by Balkan criminals...”

Transcript of the interview published in Oslobodjenje in 2013.. Archive

I immediately wondered how Izetbegović, as a politician, could and should know the details and the time when the "credible witness" gave an indictment to the Prosecutor's Office of B&H ("credible" lady is, by the way, Zika Turković's wife, Šejla Jugo-Turković, whose testimonies were completely rejected by the EULEX International court).

Izetbegović, who was the first to rush to accuse me of ordered murder in a monstrous and false way, and at the same time to judge me easily and with a lot of joy, today claims something completely opposite.

He even mentions political and other damage done to B&H due to that process.

So, the only one who convinced me that he was behind it and knew about the mounted process is exactly - Bakir Izetbegović!

And not only because of this statement given to "Oslobođenje", but also because of the public comments after my second-instance acquittal in Sarajevo.

Transcript of the interview published in Oslobodjenje in 2013.. Archive

He then stated that "the courts release those who have towers and money, and judge the poor ...".

Izetbegović also publicly criticized the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for sentencing in the first instance, former prosecutor Božo Mihajlović to five years in prison for the disappearance of the money and valuables entrusted to him from the depot of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

Let me remind you, it was Mihajlović who signed and led the mounted indictment against me, so it is indicative that Izetbegović, with his statements in Mihajlović's defense, exerts direct pressure on the Court, specifically the second instance process that follows Mihajlović's appeal.

Well, these are just some of the reasons that are easily available to the public (I wouldn't talk about some others) why no one "convinced" me wrong.

In the end, as Izetbegović threatened Denis Zvizdić the other day that he would only now "reveal his real face", I want to believe - when it comes to me - that Bakir's real face is this from the ongoing interview for "Faktor" published two days ago, and not the one from the interview for "Oslobodjenje" published seven years ago.

The entire part of the intelligence and police structures, as well as the judiciary, which mounted the "Radončić case", was under the direct control of the SDA. Not to mention the "relevant media", also controlled by the SDA, which reported more about my trial than on many of the most serious war crime trials together and poisoned the public in the most shameful way to remove me completely politically, mentally and, in the end, by constantly causing stress physically, by a combination of detention, a spectacular way of arrest, disabling treatment and daily media judgments.

Today I am steady, but my political, police, intelligence and prosecutorial persecutors, obviously are not.