Strong condemnation of Dodik's outburst at the UN

Analysts and academics after the Aria Forum meeting

Dodik: Scandalous performance. archive

Piše: N.Ajnadžić

The appearance of B&H Presidency Chairman and SNSD's leader Milorad Dodik in front of the United Nations Security Council (UN), in which he attacked High Representative for B&H Valentin Inzko and the OHR, is a disgrace to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the opinion of political analysts who have made a series of criticism about the apperance of HDZ's President Dragan Čović for "Avaz" as well.  

Čović: Criticism of the OHR. Archive

His strategy

- While Čović made serious remarks about Inzko and the OHR's behavior in a somewhat decent way, Dodik's performance was something really horrifying. It is not just about his rhetorics, which is literally at the level of a village cafe, in addition with personal insults - said analyst Žarko Papić. 

Papić: He humiliated his nation. Archive

He added that it was all bad for B&H, especially if Dodik was a representative of the people to whom, as he says belongs, then he really disgraced his own nation in an incredible way.

Croatian political analyst Žarko Puhovski pointed out that the biggest problem in B&H is not interference from the outside, but the fact that there is no interference from the inside, and that this was shown, in a humiliating way, at the UN Security Council meeting. He pointed out that what Dodik said about Inzko, that he does not know what he is doing, was not polite, but on the other hand Inzko was not particularly polite either.

- I think that the biggest positive trait of Dodik is that he says things in such an ugly way. Because, maybe it's some kind of needle that "sticks" someone to wake up a little. If it had been said in a nicer way, no one would have heard it. They haven't heard much in this way either. He was on the verge of a scandal, so maybe something was heard. I guess that this is not recklessness, but rather his strategy. He has been doing that for many decades. He chooses the most difficult words, but always one less than the most difficult one - Puhovski pointed out.

Puhovski: Positive trait. Archive

Friar Ivo Markovć, Bosnian Franciscan, an engaged academic and professor at Franciscan theology Sarajevo, believes that it was not B&H that was embarrassed at the discussion at the Aria Forum, but its participants.

- Dodik attacked Inzko because he is an obstacle to Russian and Greater Serbia interests and because the media-intriguing international target is suitable for sensation. Čović is a funny puppet of Dodik, self-satisfied that he destroyed every political alternative to his Croatian people in B&H and thus made that people the biggest handful of misery in country, so now he is afraid that they will wake up and kick him in the upcoming elections in Mostar - said Friar Marković.

Political idiocy

Friar Marković: Russian interests. Archive

It is a pity, as he says, that "Izetbegović and his SDA did not attend the meeting where the masks of Dodik and Čović, who keep B&H in the dark, were falling."  

- Because they cannot survive without him, he is the main wind in their worn-out sails, he elected for the Croats "legally" but immorally Komšić to the Presidency of B&H and with that move he strengthened Čović's position, and with his unitarian policy, based on Ottoman imperialism, he feeds Dodik's passionate political idiocy. It would be good if they at least woke up the inert Inzko, who can certainly do more with his position and introduce more EU influence in B&H and cut the wings of this Dodik - Čović - Izetbegović trio, push BiH more strongly into EU integration and enable more dynamic democratic life in B&H - concluded Friar Marković.

Kazaz: Komsić's Bosniakism is disgusting in the same way

- Thanks to Dodik's rudeness, arrogance and primitivism, B&H triumphed in front of UN Security Council. Thanks to Čović trying to resolve the Croatian issue in B&H through Dodik, B&H triumphed in front of Security Council. But Zeljko Komsić's Bosniakism is in the same way disgusting as the primitivism of Milorad Dodik – said professor Enver Kazaz.

Kazaz: Rusticity, arrogance and primitivism. Archive

A populist show

- It is wront to analyse what they said, we should rather focus why they said it, what are their motives. First of all, it is an initiative of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN, so we should remember Russia's goals in Bi&, help to Vučić-Dodik's "Greater Serbia", creating riots in B&H in order to avoid B&H's rapprochement to the EU and NATO and thus to preserve Russia's destructive presence in country. Dodik and Cović need a populist show in front of the world forum to show strength to their shaky electorate because political trends are obviously going in an irreversible direction: SDA, SNDS and HDZ are losing positions, new people are coming to move B&H from the deadlock of fear and hatred in which they found peace- Friar Marković pointed out.
